The Future is Bright for AV in 2021

As the world rang in the new year Jan 1, 2020 everyone was filled with hope and excitement for the start of a new decade.  No one anticipated what was looming around the corner, waiting to change our lives as we knew it. The world came to a screeching halt in March of 2020 with mandated lockdowns causing many to relocate their office or classroom to the dining room table. 

This had a ripple effect on the audio-visual industry as live events were canceled indefinitely and almost every entertainment venue was closed.  Although the year was challenging for AV businesses many pushed through; innovative companies were able to find creative solutions to assist in the transition to remote technologies for easy collaboration.

It is almost a year later with no sign of our ‘normal’ lives returning anytime soon. So, what does that look like for the AV industry in 2021? As quoted by Chaz Porter, director of global sales at FSR “The biggest trend we see for 2021 is adaptability. With the uncertainty about how business and schools will look into next year, we see the need to provide solutions that give our customers the ability to rapidly change the layout and function of any space while continuing to provide connectivity.”


AV Solutions


The AV industry has delivered solutions providing touchless technology, conferencing solutions, contact tracing, remote technologies!

Some of the manufacturers have upped their game and provided solutions that will not only aid us during this pandemic but also bump us to the next level of technological advancements.  A few manufactures that are mention-worthy include:


Touchless Solutions


Digital signage has become mainstream in our world.  There are displays everywhere we go, from schools, office buildings, restaurants, entertainment venues, houses of worship to mention a few.  These displays also include many different types of touch displays like wayfinding kiosks and interactive video walls. Now no one wants to touch anything so that means a shift away from touch displays and a move towards direct view LED.

Not only has the video side of the AV industry gone touchless the audio side required some changes as well.  Some industries like broadcast, sports, government, healthcare are looking for solutions where for contactless microphones.  Shure has led the way by providing a solution with their array mics that can now be controlled remotely.

Chris Merrick, director of global systems marketing at Shure said, “Looking ahead, the advantages of using this array microphone technology are even more essential, as it provides broadcast-quality sound captured inconspicuously and from a safe distance—whether that’s from in front, from above, or beside,” he added. “The technology provides steerable audio coverage for different rooms and environments.” 

AtlasLED also provided a solution with microphones launching a digital audio platform that features a combination of digital audio processors, amplifiers, graphical user interfaces, programming software, and controls and is engineered to enable the utilization of touchless control, automation, and artificial intelligence.

Gina Sansivero, vice president of marketing and corporate communications at AtlasLED stated, “AtlasLED has enabled a cleaner, more hygienic approach to control through our Atmosphere platform,” she said. “Authorized users have the ability to manage the audio system to select sources, adjust the volume, and choose zones from their own mobile devices—a feature that is essential when we are doing our best to avoid shared touch devices in the workplace, hospitality venues, schools, etc.”


Video Conferencing Solutions


One of the speediest changes that were seen when COVID-19 become serious was the switch from in-person meetings to video conferencing.  Video conferencing is an AV solution that has been offered for many years, but as of March 2020, it has become one of the top requested.

As companies and organizations have switched to virtual meetings, many are seeing the benefits on a bigger scale than just adhering to mandated protocols; No travel means saved time and saved dollars increasing overall profit margins significantly.

Even when we finally do get to a point that we can return to offices, schools, houses of worship, video conferencing will be a mainstay on the way we hold meetings and communicate.




DIGITAL EDGE has continued to provide solutions and services to customers throughout the pandemic; Assisting businesses and organizations through what felt like an overnight transition in the way we do business and life in general.  All our worlds have been turned upside down, but we have remained strong and banded together with our customers providing solutions that made these changes just that much easier.

DIGITAL EDGE follows all mandates and protocols that are in place and ensures all measures are being taken to keep staff and customers safe.

Contact us today for your AV needs.

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