AVaaS – The Easy Way To Do AV


Audio Visual as a Service


No matter the size of your business or organization, cash flow matters!  

When AV equipment and systems need to be purchased, often many experience ‘sticker shock’ followed by disappointment when they are forced to choose ‘subpar’ equipment because of budget constraints. 

With AVaaS, now there is a way that every organization – from new start-ups to established businesses – can afford the AV equipment they want and need! 


What is AVaaS?


Audio Visual As A Service” is becoming one of the fastest-growing markets in the AV industry.  

The traditional approach to AV uses an AV integrator who assesses your needs, provides a quote, installs the system, offers a little training, and then leaves you to it.  

Although some still prefer to own their equipment outright, there are so many positives with the AVaaS model that many clients are realizing it is a much better fit for their organization.

This new and exciting trend is providing AV customers with the opportunity to equip their businesses with cutting-edge state-of-the-art equipment for a nominal monthly fee, instead of outlaying large amounts of cash to purchase technology that will become outdated in a few short years.

Following in the footsteps of other industries leading the way with the same types of ‘service models’, AV has finally stepped into the 21st century!  Gone are the days of businesses struggling to outlay significant amounts of cash to buy an entire AV system and hire in-house teams to run it, only to find they need upgraded equipment every few years as technology evolves and changes.


AVaaS – Value Added


One of the biggest ‘value added’ components of AVaaS is the additional services you receive as a part of your low monthly payment.

If there are any issues, any questions, or any problems – your solution/answer is just a phone call away.

With AVaaS you receive:

  • Service Hotline
  • Technical Support
  • On-going Training
  • Maintenance & Repairs – all taken care of

The only thing you need to focus on is growing your business!


Why AVaaS?


Most audiovisual consulting services will tell you that AVaaS will save you time and money!

  • Operating expenditure vs. Capital expenditure
  • Low monthly fee vs. Large upfront investment
  • Always access the latest technology vs. Using equipment until it’s failing / dead
  • Seamless refreshes vs. Need to start from scratch every few years
  • Service agreements vs. In-house staff trying to problem solve
  • Scheduled maintenance vs. Sporadic maintenance attempted by in-house staff


AV Technology


Regardless of type or size, every organization utilizes Audio Visual components. Choosing the right equipment matters.  That's why we work with the best brands in the industry. Your organization/business, your team, and the success and satisfaction of your customers depend on having the right tools and technology for the job. 

Cutting corners when it comes to AV equipment and technology will not only be frustrating for your staff but will likely hurt your profit margin.

  • High turnovers due to disgruntled/frustrated team members.
  • Presentations have gone sideways due to technical issues resulting in lost customers.
  • Time wasted with in-house troubleshooting, fixing, and maintaining AV equipment.
  • Less efficiency with staff spending valuable time trying to learn and understand how an AV system runs.


AVaaS Pros & Cons


It is easy to see why so many are choosing AVaaS when you look at the list of pros and cons.


  • Low monthly payments
  • Reduced upfront expenses
  • Flexible end of lease options: buy, continue leasing, or upgrade the technology.
  • Most current AV equipment providing employees and customers with advanced technology and ease of use.
  • Experienced AV technicians provide timely upfront maintenance.  In-house staff no longer need to spend time learning and maintaining the new technology.
  • Service agreements.  If any issues arise help is only a phone call away.


  • None!


Contact Us


Not sure if AVaaS is for you?  Contact us today and let our AVaaS specialist answer all your questions.

DIGITAL EDGE provides AVaaS Services across Canada. Started in Edmonton, Red Deer & Calgary and spread quickly to cities across Alberta including Grande Prairie, Lloydminster, Fort McMurray, Lethbridge, and now throughout Saskatchewan and British Columbia

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